DNS query

Get Public DNS information from world distributed locations

Verificar meu ip


{{ stats.ok }}

Successful querieis

{{ stats.failed }}

Unsuccessful queries

{{ result.provider }}

{{ result.location }}

{{ result.error || result.totalStatus }}

IP: {{ result.dnsServ }}

Query: {{ result.q || '-' }}

DNS Time: {{ result.dnsTime || '-' }} ms

Response: {{ result.resp || '-' }}

Checking DNS servers

Find out how different users around the world see your site. We perform DNS queries from various servers and provide you with detailed information.

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Global DNS monitoring

Get detailed information about your domain's DNS settings. We perform DNS queries from globally distributed servers and report on response times, IP addresses and other parameters.

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Optimize DNS settings

Improve the availability and loading speed of your website. Our feature allows you to deeply analyze your DNS configuration and identify potential problems.

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Experimente monitorar seu site 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana

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