Ping check

Check the availability of your website from multiple locations around the world.

Check my ip


{{ stats.ok }}

Successful requests

{{ stats.failed }}

Unsuccessful requests

{{ stats.timeAvg }}ms

Average time

{{ stats.timeMin }} - {{ stats.timeMax }}ms

Range time

{{ result.provider }}

{{ result.location }}

{{ result.error || result.status }}

IP: {{ result.ip }}

DNS Server: {{ result.dnsServ }}

Reply times: {{time === null ? "-" : (time + "ms") }}

Lost: {{ result.lost }}
Recv: {{ result.received }}
Lost%: {{ result.lostPercent }}%
Min: {{ result.timeMin }}ms
Max: {{ result.timeMax }}ms
Avg: {{ result.timeAvg }}ms

{{ selectedCheck.location }}

DNS City: {{ selectedCheck.dnsCity }}

DNS Time: {{ selectedCheck.dnsTime }} ms

DNS Org: {{ selectedCheck.dnsOrg }}

DNS Server: {{ selectedCheck.dnsServ }}

DNS Info: {{ selectedCheck.dnsInfo }}

IP: {{ selectedCheck.ip }}

Times: {{time === null ? "-" : (time + "ms") }}

Received: {{ selectedCheck.received }}

Lost: {{ selectedCheck.lost }}

Lost Percent: {{ selectedCheck.lostPercent }}%

Time Max: {{ selectedCheck.timeMax }}ms

Time Min: {{ selectedCheck.timeMin }}ms

Time Avg: {{ selectedCheck.timeAvg }}ms

Ping Test Overview

Ping is a measure of the query time between hosts, enabling users to assess lost packets and transmission delays. It is crucial for the efficient transfer of data between your computer and the server.

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Checking Ping Methods

To check ping, various methods exist, from using built-in command prompts to specific software for web resource performance testing. Command prompt or terminal tools can be used, but specialized software offers more detailed diagnostics.

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Interpreting Ping Results

Ping results consist of sent packets, server details, data packet size, response speed, TTL status, and the number of packets sent and received. These details provide a comprehensive understanding of the connection and travel time.

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